Ahh just finished watching this Malay movie which was hilarious i tell ya. I laughed from start to the middle lol. Didn't watch it till the end coz i was losing momentum and my sister wanted to chat with her friend or something like that (:
Anyway, my day today was fine. Woke up at about 8 to my phone alarm T__T Dragged my ass into the shower before i could attempt to make a u-turn back to my bed wtf. Got ready and Sonia reached my house at about 9. Frederick and Mahaan was inside the car too.
Got to Matsakaesushi stadium at about 9.45 i suppose. Went to the canteen and got a grab to eat. Met with alot of my juniors which was totally awesome (: Felt very welcomed by them :D:D Gossip-ed abit with Sonia while waiting for cheer to start. HAH! Gossip at home, gossip over texts, gossip on MSN. Sigh we gossip everywhere.
Berlepak-lepak with Diyana Shazali too. She's cool la. Always one of the cool ones in the "junior" category bunch (: Watched cheer and so on. Left at about 12 coz it was getting way hot. Sent Vee vien to Sunway college and then sonia and i went for lunch in Mcd Taipan (: Continued bergossiping lol. After lunch she sent me home (:
Ahh sampai rumah soo sleepy! I just needed to crash so i freshened up and threw myself on the bed :D Sadly i couldn't get into a trance wtf. So i went to the living room and tried sleeping on the floor coz the floor was so cold (: Was halfway through the trance so i got up and continued on my comfy bed (:
Woke up at 4 i think. Berlinger-linger like some kind of unwanted zombie you see in the movies :D Webcammed with Zaf at 6 till about 8. Watched telly after that till 12 and continued webcamming with zaf till 12.30. It was a quick one coz Zaf was getting sleepy and i was honestly tired too (:
So yeah, that was my day. My so-called exciting day. I have to wake up early tomorrow. I'm gonna go find my "P" sticker to stick on my cars woot woot (:
So till the next time, ciao