Life has really been uneven lately. So much have been going on and there is nothing that I can seem to keep up with. It's like I try and I try but nothing seems to be working. You know how people say that you can never try enough, but I am at a point where I'm getting sick of trying. Why am I always the one that has to try? Why can't someone else try for once. I don't see them try as hard as I am. They're just taking the easy way out. So that is why I'm saying this now. I'm done. I'm done with trying. I'm done with trying to be this person that you want me to be. I'm done trying to constantly fix what's broken just so things don't go too far. I'm done trying to pull you back to the ground when you fly too high. I'm just done trying.
I know I don't blog much these days but this is just something I can't hold in anymore.
You can be happy with your life. In order for me to be happy. I have to do this.
Screw you by the way.