
Thursday, March 26, 2009

You send me...

Scheduled outage at 4.00PM PDT on Thursday (3/25)

Yeap, that's exactly what my blogger dashboard says. I still don't know what it means though. If i'm not mistaken, Nat has explained it to me once but i guess it didn't really register in the big black time warp hole i call "my brain" (:

Anyway, did absolutely nothing today. It has only been two days of staying at home and it's already got me to the top of my sanity. I don't even want to think about what it'll do to me by the end of the three months. Shit i'm afraid to find out.

So that is why, i had a talk with my mum just now. You know, just to ask for some advice and opinions from someone who has been staying home every single day for the past 10 years. So yeah, she told me to do something that will generate an income for ME (:

Fitri likey the idea (:

So then she said that i should start my own blogshop and sell stuff. She also gave the idea of selling APPLE products heee XD At that exact moment, a picture of me bathing in money popped into my head. Ok fine that's what i was thinking so buzz off :D

Yea anyway, i thought of it and i actually found that idea very very pleasing. Suddenly, the nice beautiful dream that my creative brain had went bye bye. Why you ask? Coz i'm too lazy to be attending emails from customers every single moment of the day. So yeah, there goes me bathing in money. Disappearing like those free samples given in Starbucks wtf ):

So yeah, so now, i'm gonna widen up my points of view by listening to what you have to say :D Yes you! No! not you, the one at the back ahh wtf. Everyone la. Just say something on the chatbox. Anything! Even a "hey" or a "hi"would do. Although it won't serve any purposes but it's just fun seeing something new everyday hehe.

At least i know i'm not talking to myself wtf. So yeah, this is just to give you peeps a small guideline so that your ideas won't stray off too far (:

  • Generates them buckeroos :D
  • Not too much of a hassle.
  • Not involving me forking out my own buckeroos :/
  • Something that is actually do-able.
  • Please let it make sense.
  • And make sure it does not involve me taking off my clothes (:
So yeah! Good luck giving ideas LOL.

Anyway, i was watching lady GaGa on youtube awhile ago. She was performing live for AOL i think. So she was like singing all her songs from her album and everything. Then i found one video of her performing Pokerface but acoustically. She was performing with a keyboard. Nothing was wrong with the performance. Suprisingly her voice is superb. It has that husky touch to it (:

But the thing that made me laugh was this one part. She started getting all hyper and poof! She started banging the keyboard keys using her feet. FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET! I know! So rebellious wtf. But it was stupidly hilarious. Haih, why does american singers do the craziest things :D

I would love to post the video here but Fitri does not know how. Fitri is so lame. Fitri you suck! Fitri me? MUAHAHAHAHA. LOL with me! Better yet LMAO with me! :D

Sigh, i pity those who are related to me.

Anyhoo, enough of this chitty chattering. I need to take a shower and think about what to blog about for my next post which will probably come in about four to five hours time (:

So till the next time,
