
Monday, May 25, 2009

jpj hates me *editted*

I have not got my car yet sigh. The car is ready but the registration number is not. Was planned to get WSP 7702 but sadly we missed it so now we have to wait for WSQ 7702. I'm really really hoping that it'll come before i start college coz i need to visit so many people ugh.

I bet when i start, i'd be too busy to even start the engine. The number closed at WSQ 3130 today so i'm really really really hoping that by wednesday it'll be released so by monday next week i can get my car :(

Cu'mon everybody, pray along with me wtf T___________________________T

Super frustrated now sigh. Anyway i have to jet, going to the airport to send my cousin and family coz they're going to UK Ulu Klang wtf no laa United Kingdom. Sigh.... bye

My dad came back from work today and told me that there's a 80% chance i'm getting the registration number for my car tomorrow :D:D:D:D:D:D So me parents will be going to Proton tomorrow to sign some paperworks so they can release ze car.

Ahhhhhhhh my lifelong wait has finally ended lol. So now, i know you might be wondering what car i'm getting kan? Well i want to show it not to brag or show off. I just want you guys to feel the excitement that i'm feeling. I know it's a cheap car and obviously some you guys can get or even already own a better car but to me, getting a car is already awesome :D

There it is (: Isn't it pretty? lol. I'm getting it in Gray though. White is actually nice but the waiting time for it is too long. You know me, wait and i don't go together heeee :D

Anyhoo, before i go. I'll be opening a booth in SOHO KL this weekend so please please please do come and visit ait? Bring you mother, your sister, grandmother, grandfather, uncles and aunties. Everyone la kay? :D
