
Monday, May 25, 2009

unstable reactions

No matter how angry and frustrated i'm feeling right now, i shall still blog coz it's not the blog that got me frustrated,it's the things that's been happening around me ughh.

Anyway, the weekends was a total bore. Stayed at home doing absolutely nothing. Went out for my mum's birthday dinner last night at this restaurant in KL called Cheng Ho which was awesome. Came back. Emo-ed like eff and went to bed early with the ipod stuck in my ears.

Got up today still feeling crappy. The ipod has practically been attached to my ears since last night and i'm not exactly planning to take them off just yet sigh. It's the only thing that is able to get my mind off whatever is going on right now which is honestly just effing my brain cells dead la.

Well thats it for now. I'm literally in an utter mess that has come back to haunt me ):
