
Friday, June 19, 2009

MMU week 1

I'm feeling very moody right now. Partially due to me being so tired. Stress is also in it somewhere and most important annoyed. I was considerably okay this morning but as the day got longer, my mood went all over the place. One minute i was with Diyana laughing at the FCM cafe, the next minute i'm hovering around the campus like a zombie.

Anyway, i have been trying to blog in campus but it does not feel the same. Everytime i begin typing i just end up bored so i leave wtf. I have that same exact feeling right now. So yeah, there are uncountable numbers of drafts in my blogger.

Class this week had it's ups and downs. Some classes were just briefings coz it was the first class but some had already given assignments so you can actually say that my hands are currently tied. I have drawings, writings and more drawings and writings.

Went back home on wednesday coz i needed the comfort of home. I needed to use my very own toilet badly. The toilets in my campus makes my toilet look like the Sultan's toilet wtf. I went back to campus the next day.

Anyway, i've been spending alot of my time hanging out with a few friends. Namely Kai Zhi. He's from KL too so understands my so called situation haha wtf. For the past week, we've been having breakfast, lunch and dinner together coz somehow he's the only one that understands me. He makes all these kind of jokes which literally kills me but he still knows the limit.

Went to Alamanda on monday tuesday night to watch Drag me to hell with some friends. Well the plan was to just go for dinner but i practically forced them to watch it so thanks guys :D I was brave enough to buy the tickets but when the movie started, the braveness went out the window.

The movie ended at about 1 so we went to Rahim for drinks before we went back to the campus. The trip ended in a really sour note. We had a few people upset with one another so that was a turn off. Reached campus, took a shower. Went back down to the guys hostel cafe and talked to Kai zhi and Daniel till about 3.

Daniel slept at my room coz he was too lazy to go back to his room. Kai zhi and i went to Hassans coz he was hungry. Ate Maggi goreng and went back at 4.30am. Slept straight away. Woke up at a 9 coz class was at 11.

Went to Old town white coffee the following night coz we needed some coffee. Got back at around 1. We didn't go anywhere last night though. We were suppose to but i cancelled it. We planned to go to Sunway Pyramid but i had no mood to go so we ended up going back to campus to do our work at the foyer in front of the library.

Sat there till about 2.30. The gate to the boys hostel was closed so me and Kai zhi had to walk a whole round just to go back. Thank god we managed to find a shortcut so it made the journey somewhat less painfull wtf =.=

Today, had class at 11 till 12. Watched this short film called food wtf which was about two men sitting down at a table and ending up naked or something like that. Was barely awake so i listened to my ipod while taking down notes from the film.

After class, took my stuff into the car. Went home. Stopped by the mosque to pray but i was kinda late. Got home. Watched telly and now i'm here. Still feeling very moody. Cold but moody. I have to start finishing my assignments coz i'm opening a booth tomorrow at Putrajaya.

So see you soon :)
