
Monday, December 22, 2008

It's not even funny?

Situations I get myself into :)

I did a funny thing that day, well it wasn't funny towards the person that i did it to :( Well the person i'm talking about is Nat! :) I was chatting with her online at about 2 or 3 in the morning. Then suddenly she didn't reply me. So i waited and waited until she sent me a text saying her internet connection is gone and she has off-ed her lappy.

But then, she was still online. Well obviously i knew that MSN was having a stroke or something coz it was hanging. Instead of telling Nat that, i told her that she's replying me. She got sooo scared she called me and asked me to stop. Well in the end i stopped. But because of me she slept at 4? or 5. Something like that. I felt so bad. Sorry Nat!

I shall add "do not prank people in the middle of the night" to my "to-do" list :) Well i got to go now, need to follow my mum somewhere :( Till the next time,

Arios! ,
