
Saturday, May 16, 2009

up is where we go from here part 1

I believe i have lost my camera T___T I have no idea where i last placed it and now it's missing. It was on the dining table a few days ago coz i was taking pictures of cupcakes and stuff. But i was too darn lazy to place it into my drawer so i just left it there and now it's gone.

Sigh why does these things happen to me?

Oh notice the new font? I'm just trying out my options. Having the same font over and over again makes this blog so boring. Well not that it's not already boring since i have no pictures posted all thanks to me coz i lost the machine that is able to take photos a.k.a camera wtf. Ahh everything comes back to me.

This is a conspiracy! Everything is a conspiracy wtf =.=

Well, my saturday started off pretty slow and quiet. Parents were gone. Brother just left so it's just me and my sister who practically sleeps all day so again, it call comes back to me :D So before i find a way to kill myself with this computer, i better go.
