
Monday, October 19, 2009


What are the odds of me actually sitting at home quietly for one day? Never!! haha. I had one of the most tiring day today. Was out for nearly the whole day. As usual was at people's houses eating like there was no tomorrow. Sigh.

Then lepak, then we went to KLIA, then more lepak, then went home, then went lepak again and at last went home :)

I so need something better to do to keep me occupied. Like maybe I should take up sky diving. Oh which reminds me, I need to go for bungee jumping badly. Any takers? no? damn. If you do change your mind, give me a holla.

Anyway, i have class tomorrow at 2pm but i'm seriously super duper lazy to go. I have not packed my stuff and honestly i don't feel like staying there this week. I forgot to ask my mum to send my clothes to the dry cleaners so right now i don't have any nice clothes to wear to college. How messed up is that? So obviously I don't have the mood to stay there. And plus i'm currently running low on them benjamins so staying home would really condone me to staying at home.

I need one of those fancy financial advisers. Oh wait, how can someone advise me on my financial status when I don't have any finances wtf. Now that is really messed up. I tend to spend a lot when I have a lot. Oh wait, isn't that what everyone does?

I need to have lunch with some of the peeps from college too. Since the new semester started i haven't had much time to hang out with them. Coz you know classes are only on three days of the week and most of the classes I have are not the same as them so yeah, I need to see them! I'm really hoping that this semester will get better in time. Coz honestly, I don't see any room for it to get any worse.

Fitri Zulkifli